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Showing posts from October, 2014

Day 17: Finished Mini Quilt Top

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts I finally had some time and lets face energy to sew today! I managed to finish my Thimble Blossoms Round & Round Mini. Lots of tiny seams and tiny blocks, but I like how it came out. Though not perfect by a long shot, I embrace the imperfections, because life is not perfect and my quilts aren't either. I strive for my best and ever now and then a seam doesn't want to match up and you know what that's okay. Not everything in the life is perfect and pretty, life can be chaotic and messy, so I embrace the imperfections and just move on! And hopefully tomorrow, I can sit down and quilt this mini. Happy Sewing!

Day 15: I Interrupt This 31 Days for a Special Post

October 15 is a day that really had no meaning before 2011. October 15 is Infant & Pregnancy Awareness Day. In March 2011 I miscarried my first baby at 12 weeks. I was so devastated, at the time I just wanted to give up having my own children. But I soon discovered a world that seems to hide in the shadows of pregnancy. This day is also special because my due date for the baby for just a few days before the 15th. It is only after you have a miscarriage that you hear of others have been through the same thing. It also makes any pregnancy after scarier. When I was pregnant with Nora, I guarded the fact that I was pregnant from most everyone until I was 14 weeks and I had heard the heartbeat a few times. I spent most of the first and even second trimesters worried that something awful was going to happen to her. I found it very difficult to find joy during the early days of my pregnancy. I was so happy to deliver a happy healthy girl just a few days before Christmas. Even today wi...

Day 14: Another Mini

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts Another day for cutting out projects. I started working on a Christmas mini quilt for myself. Working entirely from fabric I found in my stash, I started cutting out this little baby this afternoon. I'm using Thimble Blossoms Mini Round & Round pattern. I LOVE Camille's patterns they are just so cute and perfect (a Swoon quilt is on my list for next year!). Still working on the finally layout, but I think this will be so cute once it is complete.  Happy Sewing!

Day 13: Small Projects

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts As I figure out backing fabric for the two quilt tops that I have finished so far. I started on a few smaller projects that have just been hanging around. And today I finished a few of them. I finished a couple of quilted potholders for Christmas gifts, started cutting out another another quilt top, and cut out a handmade birthday gift. Plus I started reorganizing my sewing area. So all in all a great day for sewing. Happy Sewing!

Witch Hazel Halloween Mini Quilt

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts So the last 2 days in the Pugh household have been real fun, with a sick, mom, dad, and kiddo. So the whole blogging thing didn't happen, but I did do a little bit of sewing and quilting.  I finished my Witch Hazel Halloween Mini Quilt! One item that I can now cross off my to-do list! I used the Starburst pattern from Canoe Ridge Creations and to increase the size just a bit I added a small border around the mini. I love how it turned out. I just did organic straight line quilting and I think it really works for this mini. And for this mini I actually finished the binding by hand, most of the time I machine bind because I'm just not that patient enough to do a larger quilt. I just love the Witch Hazel collection from October Afternoon. Cute and vintage, this will make a great...

Day 9: Quilting!

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts Not much sewing happened today, but I did manage to do a little quilting this afternoon. I'm about halfway done, so here is to hoping that tomorrow is one a better day for Nora and I and two that I can finish this lovely little quilt. Happy Sewing!

Day 8: A Finished Quilt Top

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. YAY! I managed to finish another quilt top. This quilt will be for one of my nephews. I love how the random pattern came out. Now to figure out backing for the two tops that I have finished so far. Happy Sewing!

Day 7: A Little Bit of Sewing

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. Well today, life happened. Normally I sew during Nora's naptime. Well today she decided that it would be a great day to take just and hour nap. So that cut into my mama time. I was able to redeem it a little bit, when we were going to head out for a walk when it started to pour. So we headed to the family room for Nora to play and me to do a little sewing. I did managed to get a bit of sewing done. And I will hopefully sew once Nora heads to bed. Even if I don't get a lot of sewing done, I can't pass up the chance to snuggle with this cutie pie! I love this girl! Happy Sewing!

Day 6: A New Week a New Quilt Top

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. Oh Monday, we are such frienemies sometimes. Poor Nora has her 2 year molars coming in and as such isn't the happiest toddler ever and the weather has been well blah! By the time naptime rolled around I was ready for some mama time. My sewing goal for this week is to finish another quilt top for Christmas and to finish up my Halloween mini. Maybe a lofty goal but I gotta dream big or I'm never going to finish all of my Christmas sewing on time! As of this evening, I have finished piecing the squares into rows. Next up is pressing and sewing the rows together. The best part of this pattern is the complete random piecing, makes for quick sewing. Then I can play with how the rows come together, but that will be for tomorrow, hopefully! Happy Sewing!

Day 5: Halloween Mini Quilt

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. Ahh, Sunday, a day to relax and do a little sewing just for myself. In fact every Sunday this month I am dedicating to selfish sewing. Since I have two projects that are time sensitive (holiday mini quilts) Sunday seems like a nice day to take a break from the rest of my sewing to-do list. Awhile back I picked up some Halloween fabric to make a mini and now I'm finally making the time to sew it up. This morning I woke up about an hour earlier then the rest of the house. So I snuck downstairs for a little quiet time before church. I managed to get most of my Halloween mini cut out before Derek and Nora woke up. Yay, for some alone time! After making lunch/dinner, I spent a little more time working on my mini. Now that my sewing area is in the family room, we can still spend tim...

Day 4:Cutting and More Cutting

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. The weekends around here are meant to be family time. My husband has a 45 minute commute to work both ways, so the weekends we try to spend that time together, especially with Nora and now that there will be a new addition come March!  So I decided that Saturday would be a good day to cut out fabric for the upcoming week. Today I'm cutting out fabric for one of my nephews quilt. I am using the Lazy Daisy pattern from Jeni Baker. This is such an easy pattern to come together, since all of the piecing is done randomly. This will be my third time making this pattern and each one has come out different! And now that my wonderful hubby helped me move my sewing area into the family room (since it was just too big for us right now) I can sew and still spend time with the family.

Day 3 : Finished Quilt Top

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. Today I was able to finish piecing together the quilt top I'm giving to my father-in-law for Christmas! Now I just have to figure out backing fabric and how I plan on quilting this one. Next my list is to work on one of the quilts for my nephews.  Happy Sewing!

31 Days of Working Through the To-Do List: Day 2

I am participating in the 31 Days writing challenge. I'm using this for accountability to help myself complete projects from my sewing to-do list and finish up Christmas gifts. At the beginning of the year, I challenged myself to give handmade gifts for Christmas. Well I has good intentions and a schedule, but life with a toddler doesn't always help in the sewing department. Then mid-summer I found out I was pregnant and the first trimester is no fun for myself. Whenever Nora napped, mama napped too. So that really cut into my sewing time. Well I've made it to the second trimester and I have gotten my sewing mojo back. As of today, I have finished 3 quilts for my nieces and nephews and have 3 more quilts to finish for them. But today I decided I would work on the quilt for my father-in-law. I needed a break from sewing together the same quilt pattern over and over again. Since I'm using 8 inch squares for my plus quilt, the cutting didn't take ve...

31 Days of Working Through the To-Do List

I'm joining the 31 Days writing challenge this year. I will be challenging myself to finish projects from my sewing to-do list  and in the process this will help me to finish up Christmas gifts ahead of schedule! I will be updating my progress throughout the month and revealing completed projects as I complete them. Ultimately, if life doesn't get in the way I would like to complete two quilts for Christmas gifts (from start to finish) and a Halloween and Christmas mini quilt for myself. Time to start sewing! Posts in this series: Day 2 Day 3: Finished Quilt Top Day 4: Cutting and More Cutting Day 5: Halloween Mini Quilt Day 6: A New Week a New Quilt Top Day 7: A Little Bit of Sewing Day 8: A Finished Quilt Top Day 9: Quilting! Day 10: sick family, no blogging Day 11: sick family, no blogging Day 12: Witch Hazel Halloween Mini Quilt Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28...