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Showing posts from November, 2016

Finishing WiP's : Sewing Machine Cover & Rainbow Mini Quilt

the other day, i made up a list of all my current WiP's. and it has gotten out of control for me. currently i have 8 quilts/projects that are in various stages of completeness. Hello Darling Easy Bake Quilt Christmas Pillows Orphan Rainbow Block mini quilt Curve it Up Sample Tilted Stars quilt Orphan block sewing machine cover Checkered blocks from my bee Modern HST sampler so it was time to start working through it. first up i took the orphan blocks from the Moda Sampler Shuffler and turned them into a much needed sewing machine cover. i thought about making it a little bigger, this cover finishes at 20 x 20 inches, but i was trying to just use what i had on hand and the border fabric was perfect. i just didn't have a ton of it left. still does the job of protecting my machine from dust. and it keeps little fingers from trying to touch my machine when not in use. now if only i had a way to keep little fingers from pushing buttons on my machine when i'm se...

Geometric Captain America Shield : Free Pattern

so a couple of months ago, i signed up for the MARVELous Craft Swap through Instagram hosted by  @justjoshinkids . what i love about swaps is the chance to try something new. for this swap i wanted to try and design a paper pieced pattern based on Captain America's Shield. and taking my inspiration from @quietplay i made the pattern geometric, so i could make the shield more scrappy in nature. i used the free quilt design program called QuiltAssistant to design my pattern. after figuring out what the heck i was doing, i finally landed on a pattern that worked. with a few minor tweaks here and there, i am happy how it turned out. the pattern finishes at 13 inches square, but i slightly oversized it, so i could trim the edges down to 12.5 inches, to finish at 12 inches. I loved designing this pattern and have a few more in the works that I hope to release as well. You can find this pattern on Payhip . This pattern is for personal, not for profit use only. If yo...