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Showing posts from July, 2018

Scrappy Rainbow | A Finished Quilt

nice to have this quilt finally done! this quilt is made entirely of scraps. scraps for the blocks, leftover batting, leftover backing, and leftover binding strips. a project to use up those little bits and pieces leftover from previous projects! i started this quilt as a way to clean out my scraps before we moved. i just started sewing whatever pieces together and worked it until my blocks came together. this is the same method that is present in Sunday Morning Quilts by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkison. this was a great way to relieve stress during the whole putting our house on the market. plus i knew i didn't want to take all of my scraps. so i stitched up what i liked into 10.5 inch blocks and gave the rest of my scraps away to one of my friends. so i was left with a stack 12 blocks that i pack up and they sat for the next 4 to 5 months as we moved and unpacked. well during the 100 Day Project i pulled the blocks up and stitched them into a quilt top. and i...

UP Adventure | A 6 Month Update

i can hardly believe that we have been in the UP for 6 months! so i decided it was time for a little update on how things are going. well to say the least, we LOVE it up here! i enjoy having hiking/x-c skiing trials within a quick drive on my house. plus we have been able to plug into a local church and make more connections then we did for the entire time we lived in Holland. i really think my hubby and i were meant to live in the UP all along. i was most worried about my oldest daughter Nora, since she would be switching preschools mid-year. but there was no need to worry. i think she is doing better here than at her last school. i'm excited about her starting kindergarten in the fall! my youngest seems to have adjusted quite well, took her a little more convincing on the snow aspect. but she came around. after my hubby finished his remote work with his last company, he was only out of work for 30 days. he found a job with a local company doing something a little d...