YAY! I am already doing better than last quarter, I have my first finish for Q3! Nothing like a deadline to help push a project to completion. The fabric for my version of Modern Maples has been pulled for a couple of years now. This past spring I needed the box the fabric was stashed in, so I decided it was a good time to finally stitch up the maple leaf blocks. After the maple leaf blocks were stitched it took awhile to stitch the scrappy low volume 9-patch blocks. I wanted to use scrap/leftover fabric from my bee group and other projects. At that point I didn't need a finished quilt top anyway, so why rush it! Once I had the top together, just like many other quilt top it just sat waiting to be finished. And just like many of my quilts I figured this one would be gifted, so I waiting until I really needed it. Once I knew who I was giving it to, I had a deadline, end of August to finish. Then when my hubby went out of town for work a week ago, my evenings after the...